Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: North Korea Diplomat to Visit US for Nuclear Talks


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday that Kim Kye Gwan, North Korea’s first vice minister and former chief nuclear envoy, will visit New York this week to meet with senior U.S. officials.  Clinton said Kim will meet with an interagency team of U.S. officials for discussions on the next steps necessary to resume denuclearization negotiations through the six party talks, involving the two Koreas, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia. The secretary said that although Washington is open to talks with North Korea, there is no appetite for lengthy negotiations that would only lead to the starting point again. Clinton also said that Washington would not give the North anything new for actions they have already agreed to take. She added that the U.S. position remains that North Korea must comply with its commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks, relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, and the terms of the Armistice Agreement.

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: EU determined to ensure eurozone financial stability


ZURICH: The European Union is “resolutely determined” to ensure the financial stability of the eurozone, the bloc’s President Herman Van Rompuy said Wednesday.
“We are resolutely determined to guarantee the financial stability of the eurozone, the stability of the eurozone is also vital for the world economy,” he told reporters after a meeting with Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey in Zurich.
Among topics raised during the discussions were bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union, as well as the eurozone debt crisis.
Calmy-Rey also signalled Switzerland’s support for Brussels in its fight to contain a public debt crisis, saying that it is in Bern’s interest that solutions are found “as the crisis is impacting our country on several counts.”
European stocks closed sharply lower Wednesday over fears that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s decision to resign spells months of political uncertainty for Italy.
In a speech later Wednesday at the University of Zurich, Van Rompuy also stressed that Brussels’ key “aim is to keep the eurozone together with all the 17 participants on board.”
Beyond guaranteeing stability, it also needs to boost growth.
“Our duty is not only to guarantee the financial stability of the euro area. It is also and at the same time to stimulate economic growth. Another major challenge,” he said.
“In the end, only sustained economic growth can bring back confidence, create jobs and absorb debts,” he added.
At the same time, Van Rompuy also called on the EU’s trading partners to do their bit in preventing the world from sliding back into recession.
“It is the own self-interest of non-euro players that we put the eurozone’s difficulties behind us,” he said.
“But inversely, it is also in Europe’s interest that the US stabilises its public debt situation, or that China stimulates its domestic demand and make its exchange rate more flexible.
“Growth is a global responsibility. Some tend to forget this,” noted Van Rompuy.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Breaking News and Latest Research


ZURICH: The European Union is “resolutely determined” to ensure the financial stability of the eurozone, the bloc’s President Herman Van Rompuy said Wednesday.
“We are resolutely determined to guarantee the financial stability of the eurozone, the stability of the eurozone is also vital for the world economy,” he told reporters after a meeting with Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey in Zurich.
Among topics raised during the discussions were bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union, as well as the eurozone debt crisis.
Calmy-Rey also signalled Switzerland’s support for Brussels in its fight to contain a public debt crisis, saying that it is in Bern’s interest that solutions are found “as the crisis is impacting our country on several counts.”
European stocks closed sharply lower Wednesday over fears that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s decision to resign spells months of political uncertainty for Italy.
In a speech later Wednesday at the University of Zurich, Van Rompuy also stressed that Brussels’ key “aim is to keep the eurozone together with all the 17 participants on board.”
Beyond guaranteeing stability, it also needs to boost growth.
“Our duty is not only to guarantee the financial stability of the euro area. It is also and at the same time to stimulate economic growth. Another major challenge,” he said.
“In the end, only sustained economic growth can bring back confidence, create jobs and absorb debts,” he added.
At the same time, Van Rompuy also called on the EU’s trading partners to do their bit in preventing the world from sliding back into recession.
“It is the own self-interest of non-euro players that we put the eurozone’s difficulties behind us,” he said.
“But inversely, it is also in Europe’s interest that the US stabilises its public debt situation, or that China stimulates its domestic demand and make its exchange rate more flexible.
“Growth is a global responsibility. Some tend to forget this,” noted Van Rompuy.